A Merry Quizmas 2024
A family quiz dedicated to Nicky Kirby and raising money for Ovacome
Thank you so much for visiting this page. Although it sits on the Something Good website, it is actually a personal project by me (Laura) and my family.
A Merry Quizmas is an annual quiz dedicated to Nicky Kirby, my sister, who died in April 2018. She is loved and missed all the time. Sending a big hug to anyone missing loved ones this Christmas.
Nicky had an incredible brain and she bloody loved a quiz. So what better way to celebrate and remember Nicky than a festive quiz, created in her memory, to be shared with family and friends.
A Merry Quizmas is now in its 7th year. What a lot has happened during that time! We are beyond happy that doing our quiz has become a festive tradition for family, friends, friends of friends and strangers we’ll never even meet. Together we’ve raised over £13,000 to help others who are affected by the horror that is ovarian cancer. All in Nicky’s name. She’d love that. Thank you.
About the quiz: A Merry Quizmas 2024 has been put together by Nicky’s Mum, Dad and sister (me), and road-tested by her husband and two children.
It is a PDF, so can be printed or read from any screen (to save paper), and includes:
5 rounds of (not too tricky) questions, plus answers
A bonus round for kids
A template answer sheet
A certificate for the winner of A Merry Quizmas 2024
How to download the quiz: Simply click the ‘Click here to get the quiz’ button below, and the quiz will be added to your cart. You can also choose to add a £5, £10 or £20 donation to Ovacome. Thank you. Once you’ve paid, A Merry Quizmas 2024 will be e-mailed to you.
To pay: Just find and click on the little trolley (probably bottom right of your screen) and pay via Paypal, Credit Card (this option also takes debit cards) or Apple Pay.
PLEASE READ THIS BIT: A Merry Quizmas 2024 will be sent to you via e-mail. It may end up in your Junk folder, so please check there. Once you’ve paid, you might get a message about authenticating your order - just ignore it. An e-mail will automatically be sent to you from Something Good with a link to download the quiz. PLEASE download it straight away as the link only lasts 24 hours! Any problems, feel free to e-mail me: laura@sogood.org.uk.
Raising money for Ovacome: It’s £1 to download the quiz and all donations will be given to Ovacome - a national ovarian cancer charity. Ovarian cancer is a horrible, sneaky disease and all money raised will help to raise awareness of the signs & symptoms of ovarian cancer and give support to anyone affected.
Once you’ve got the quiz, if you’d like to make a further donation, you can here: www.ovacome.org.uk/inmemoryof/nickykirby
A huge thanks for all donations. We hope you enjoy the quiz, and raise a glass to my amazing sister, Nicky Kirby.
Merry Christmas.
Love Laura x
Would you like to make an additional donation on top of your quiz purchase?